Yours Truly

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Note to anyone who is free: we must really stop trying to have showers in the middle of the night. THis is becuase it has come to our attention that small insect shaped creatures like to fly in as they are apparently attracted to bright lights. We also now realise that we are not well equipped to deal with such nasty little buggers in the condition we take showers in.. ie not wearing any clothes. This may also result in scenarios such as this, where we are sitting in front of the laptop in a towel and with soap in our hair. oh and i moust also add that the exessive use of insecticides had resulted in what in biological terms would be defined as 'genetically modified bugs' such as the one that is now inhabiting our bathroom thta we are too scared to go back into. it is either a GM bug or a grasshopper which i do not think should hvae been given wings becuase they are quite scary and freaky looking insects.
also, in other news, while i was typing this a dying cockroach has just shimmied out on its back from underneath the bed!! OH MY GOD!!! why couldnt it have the decency to just die under there!!!!!
it is officially now a consipracy against avid-insect-haters.. i dont think i can go on anymore!! lemme just say again.. YUCK YUCK YUCK!!


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