Yours Truly: RAWRRRR

Monday, January 03, 2005


For anyone who's still wondering just who the hell I am, I am QH. Bow down before me or I shall smite the holy shit outta u.

Yes, this is my virgin post at this blog. Happy sha la la. o_O

And can someone blog about yesterday class outing already? I want to know what I didnt miss out so I feel glad for not going... on second thoughs, did u guys actually went on with the outing? Guess no one notice my abscence. Ahhh... being forgettable does not seem like such a good thing now.

I seriously do not think I have enough time(Read: Lazy) or brain cells(Read: Stupid) to be able to contribute to 3 blogs of mine so do not bitch about my sporadic posting or I shall smite the holy...blah blah.

For those who are unable to enlist and kill people due to uncontrollable circumstances, I offer my condolences. For those who are able, lets have a RAWRRRRING good time or I shall smite....blah blah.


At 5:52 PM, Blogger QH said...



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