Yours Truly: beautiful day

Saturday, January 08, 2005

beautiful day

dear blog,

it is a beautiful morning today
the birds are chirpping merrily and the grasshoppers are frollicking in the morning dew
my mousy has just woken up
i am letting it run all over the keyboard
Oh! It shitted on the letter 'O'
Bad mousy, i throw it back into the cage.

sometimes i dont know why.. i'd prefer to be in army now
there's food, you'd meet friends, get to exercise
no worries.. lots to do
i would have gone in on the 6th. i would have gotten teo chee beng in the same company .. Or even platoon! i would have been treated as a whitehorse, i wouldnt eat waxy army rations but hot piping canadian pizza. i could have gone to Ocs. i would have been fitter. i would have been richer with a better pay.
i am going to be treated as a sick boy. i am going to walk about carrying cardboard boxes and having two times as many water parade. probably OXYGEN parade. i am not going to the field. i still am not going to eat waxy army rations. i am going to meet sick bastards who cant walk properly, or breathe properly. ARGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH



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