Yours Truly

Friday, February 04, 2005

just back from field camp.

two words : farking xiong

buti'll come back to it later...

for now i'm seriously considering down grading to get out of infantry units solely because of route marches. Each time i go for route marches i carry around 1/4 of my weight for 6/8 km up and down slopes which is seriously bad for my back and quads. If i stay in Infantry i'll DIE! Already my platoon has 2 people who went out of training because they sprained their backs. I'm next to go i think...

aniwae brief summary for field camp..u stay in your helmet rifle and SBO most of the time u spent listening to lectures and practicing' shelters and dig trenches and every day u eat combat rations and u can't bathe until the 5th day. And then only once. Its really tiring stuff and i'm glad its over and done with. The rest of my 9 week bmt will be spent preparing for my passing out parade by then i think...there is only a bit more of live range and SOC to cover.

booking in on sunday and booking out 2 days later for my CNY break so cheers! Andcan someone explain why its so important for the chinese to celebrate CNY? Hey i dun really give a fuck about it. So the rest of the chinese ppl can spent CNY having wet sloppy kisses planted on their cheeks while i use my break to eat good food and sleep like a pig. And davi u noe what u nearly made me puke my first fresh food in days oh man that was disgusting.


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