Yours Truly

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Some people like to get their thrills by participating in dangerous contact sports or dare-devil-type stunts.. So i guess it is expected if they end up injuring themselves. Do i need to bother which such strenuous activity? noooo of course not.. all i need to do is to walk around a little bit and i could prob manage to kill myself with all the exertion!! i was v sleepy on sun morning, and ended up tripping and falling down the stairs! so now i am busy limping around on my ankle which i have sprained for the 10 billionith time!! congratulations sonia! it is damn lucky i am a girl, or i swear just one day on tekkong would have finished me off completely!!
oh and also, to literally add insult to injury.. i was recently told that i remind someone of condoleza rice (!!!!) i swear i seriously was so ready to just fall to the ground and DIE right there and then!! she is a COW.. and arguably one of the most UNATTRACTIVE and warped specimens of womanhood.. then coz my expression was one of shock, horror and general freaked-outedness, the fella tries to cover up by saying.. "oh no i mean u have her poise, shes very POISED"... poised MY ASS okay.. the woman is disgusting!! i am so deeply and horribly offended!! i am going to need many many years of expensive therapy just to get over this incident!! however what was the most interesting was the response i got from one of my frens who had no idea who condie was.. she was all like ' i dont think you look like a rice grain' and i had to very calmly and gently inform her that condie rice is a real life big-shot recently sworn in-secretary of state type person, and not actually a carbohydrate.


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