Yours Truly: ITS ALIVE!!! muahah

Monday, March 21, 2005

ITS ALIVE!!! muahah

Kudos to QH for his amazing adventures with malfunctioning footwear!! I feel for you my friend, and deeply admire your determination to complete that epic trek across such treacherous landscape. Good Job!! ahahah
In other related matters, last friday was one that will forever live in infamy. Why you may ask? Well let me recount a little converstaion i had with my driving instructor.

Instructor: Wow, you look really fit! You must take part in MANY sporting activites. What kinds do you do?

ahahah well i was just slightly flabbergasted with that comment as all the initiated will know that i just dont DO sports. They are like completely contradictory to my belief system, not to mention utterly disallowed by my religion. Granted it was quite late at night so maybe he didnt see me properly.

Me: uuuuuh well uhhh i uh like to swim.. (transltion: as in float around in the pool sometimes)

Instructor: I knew it! i could defintely tell that you are an athelte, it is no surprise to me that you are a swimmer

ahaha well all i really want to say now is : DIE YOU STUIPD PE TEACHERS!!!! ahahahah one may note that i still have not recovered from the devestating physical and mental degradation that that was so cruelly imposed on my person. HAH!!


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