Yours Truly

Sunday, January 02, 2005

spent the new year drunk and semi unconscious.

not a very good start...but damm it felt good to do something...different for a change.

like my primary school english teacher used to say..u should try everything once. she cited smoking.

I think they fired her soon after that.

another primary school teacher(quite chio ne) gave us answers to the end of year examinations 2 months early. they fired her too.

never really had much luck with teachers...oops digressing.

the happiness evaporated soon after and the melancholy sent in. god for like what 6 7 bucks a pop they sure as hell didn't last long. not very good for money eh.

dunno lar i have been feeling like this for 2-3 weeks. Its not because of NS i think. I have been thru npcc for 4 years...didn't like it one bit was 4 years of chinese speaking hell every weekends. But if theres one thing i learned i can take amazing amounts of boredom. And the pt won't be a problem for me i'm at least sure of that.

In fact its the present that preoccupies least for now. If they start throwing blanket parties and having gay orgies in the bed besides me..then mebbe i'll start worrying about NS and wat it brings.

For now...i just feel like building my own fireplace and curling up beside it. Hopefully with alyssa milano and a hot tub thrown in afterwards. But since i'm not rolling arnd in dough..i think i'll make do with what i have. hot milo and a nice stack of anime. heaven on earth ~

being at the esplanade on new years eve made me realise how much people there really are in singapore... and for a moment i thought how great it would be if we all linked hands and sang together just once as a one big happy family...then some raver sprayed me. thanks a lot buddy. LUVu~ and PEACEisu~ can go to hell.

stil haven't pinpointed wats been bothering me. mebbe it will come to haunt me in a clearer form some day. i just noe that a lot has happened this year. stuff i feel has show me how immature i am..yet made me more mature at the same time. so for now i think i'll spare the "FUCK THIS SHIT" and "FUCK U WORLD" and say "FUCK U TELETUBBIES!!"

tatts all folks tahnk you very much.


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