Yours Truly: January 2005

Friday, January 21, 2005

oh and i forget one defining aspect of army that i'll always carry around with me...

we have to go pee alot cos they believe that we pussies can't stand the heat and will collapse of heatstroke so they force us to water parade a lot w/o remembering that its not the heat that kills...its stupidity. Btw the same people who forget to bring their 11-bs to lunch and lose the keys to their lockers. And conveniently forget to drink water. And die of heat injuries forcing us normal ppl to have to drink full water bottles twice every morning afternoon and night. like pushing your bladder through a grinder that one.

until next time cyaz.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

hello ppl :) Uncle shawn is now going to bring you thru the basics of army so that those girls with bfs in the army or going to get one (get one who is not in the army stupid) can ask him to shut the fuck up the next time he starts to ramble about the army, and move on to other more important stuff. like making out. or having sex. or sth along those lines. And for the guys well...nothing will prepare you for army really.

well the moment we go inside the army we are already spilt up into different Companies. Each company has up to 200 men. With each company they further divide you into Platoons of 50 ppl and then into Sections of 12-13 men. My company Pegasus is a Direct Enhanced batch which means we got at least a silver in napfa and skipped the 3 weeks PTP for those who failed, and also that we are all at least A-level. However there are some also unsaid we are all PES B and if i'm not wrong we all have bad results. Cos in my platoon there is only two other vj guys and we all have bad results :) The rest come from like CJC and SRJC and TPJC and stuff. Oh and theres only one RJC fella.

Hmm lets see what we do...for the first week or so they handhold you like a baby because we don't noe anything and theres a lot of admin stuff to do like sign drug declaration forms and stuff. so for the majority of the first week they make you wait like crazy. make you wait for the food make you wait for the instructors make you wait in line to sign the stupid form....then u dun really get to do physical training because they have to teach you all the exercises and stuff then they let you move your hands and legs again before moving you o the the next lesson. laso they hold a damm lot of stupid orientation talks with the whos whos in your companies....damm sianz ah. Also they rush you rliek mad and you dun get a lot of free time to yourself. like max 15 mins a day only.

Things only start to pick up in the second week as they start going thru the whoel lesson proper and stuff...there are different forms of training but the ones i like are : 30 60 which is basically your sprint for 30 seconds then u rest/slow jog for 60 seconds. and also the agility group run which is basically running flat out for the time they allocated to you. Theres also strength training like moving weights around but i hate that well bcos... i'm small. Also cos i can't swim i have to take swimming lessons every week while my platoon rests for the afternoon...but its quite fun lar

Hmm then we have the weapon lessons. We are all assigned a weapon which we have to learn how to handle and stuff...but since that information is slightly sensitive well i dun want to risk landing in db or kenna extras for that so i won't tok about it. DB stands for detention barracks which is a nicer word for army prison. Same principles apply more than one week in db and its bye bye to university for you. extras are guard dutys which run from 6 at night to 6 in the morning. You work 2 hour shifts with 2 4 hour breaks so actually they sleep more than us....but if your extra lands on a weekend..well good luck :). Oh and you have to repeat crucial lessons if you missed them bcos of extras. so....i'm not going to try my luck.

theres also the discipline. Now theres a new kinder overall in charge so a lot of things have changed actually...its a bit more relaxed now..but there are still regulars who still prefer the old way of doing things and some cocksters who went thru hell and will do the same to you. In that respect i'm lucky bcos my commanders all went thru hell so they understand what it feels like and they won't punish if they see we are trying our negligent or be funny however and they will come down hard...

So actually bmtc is quite fun except for some really bloody irritating stuff. like route marchs. which is basicaly walking in step with an 8kg field pack 3 kg sbo(some kind of slinging thing) and 4kg rifle. so it adds up to arnd 15 kg. which is arnd 1/3 my weight. Not fun. I always come back with aching backs and stiff shoulders. And the confinement period is damm sianz. You just want to get out of thee fast bcos every day u do the same thing and going to sleep knowing that your going to do the same thing tmr and waking up the next day realising the same..can drive you crazy after 1 and a 1/2 weeks. but now that i'm out i dun really know what to do i'm just slacking here at home. and resting my tired muscles.

there are some stuff to do in there that can help to lessen the load bringing in food and coins to buy drinks and also passing the swiming test and ippt so that you get soem time off free. Also joining the extra stuff like the drill squad like me. However i'm not confirmed yet...but its pretty fun we get to compete with other companies later in the year. First prize i think is a day harm trying :) Also if you have aching back or watever you can apply for status like excuse heavy loads or excuse activities involving upper limb. You can also get this thing called an "attnb" if u have flu or fever. Which means no physical activites :) The best? "attnc" which means you go home and come back another time.

eh thats all i am willing to give at this moment...theres a fucking lot of stuff thats also too boring to tok about...bottom line? NS SUX.

The soap.

When u first go into the army, ur afraid of dropping the soap in the showers and turning around to see ur buddy all pumped up and ready. After u stayed in there for nearly 2 weeks, u start being afraid of being the one hiding behind ur friend, waiting for him to drop the soap.

Monday, January 17, 2005

A healthy lifestyle begins with you

hi blog. im going to update you on my health and fitness routine. wow... isnt that cool?
im having a balanced diet. i eat fruits and vegetables. i eat vitamin C pills twice a day.
ive been stretching those hamstrings and quadriceps by running these couple of days. my thighs ache each day after the runs but deep down, i know im working those skeletal muscles of mine. the stretch and recoil - stretch and recoil action makes me almost feel that i have an extra litre of haemoglobin pumping through my veins. wow.
in addition, im commiting myself to tighten those set of upper body muscles. im working out at the gym. heave and ho.. a little pain can do you good!

so this crap can really make joel laugh his pecs away. anyway.. what the hell. its me and my new fitness routine!
an apple a day keeps the doctor away, if the doctor's away take two apples and play!

Friday, January 14, 2005

Do you think i qualify for unemployment benefits?

So..... As i am not actually doing anything constructive, my family has now delegated me as the 'errand doing person' . which i actually dont mind becoz it gives some meaning to my pointless existance. Except of course when the afore-mentioned errand-doing results in some mucho-grando embarassment on my part! Take the other day for example, where my mother sends me to the handphone shop to repair her moblie that apparently 'doesnt switch on anymore'. I wait in the blardy line for like an hour and then finally show the phone to the woman..

Me: ya the phone is spoilt and doesnt turn on anymore
Lady: Did you charge it?
Me: uuuuhhh ya sure of course!! im sure its charged!! <>

Then she plugs into her charger... and miraculously.. the phone turns on!!! She of course had to add further insult to injury by saying VERY disdainfully "you must remember to charge ah, otherwise how u expect it to turn on?" eeeeeehhhh, so ya now i cant actually show my face in there again... so maluating i have to say!!

In other related matters, i have been thinking about my economically inactive state.. Techincally i should be legible for some kind of transfer payments from the government right? haha or if that doesnt work out, i am stil in the market for an incredibly filthy rich but also benign and generous husband! THOSE NOT IN POSSESSION OF AT LEAST 20O MIL IN LIQUID ASSETS OR THOUSANDS OF HECTARES OF OIL FIELDS NEED NOT APPLY!!!

Saturday, January 08, 2005

beautiful day

dear blog,

it is a beautiful morning today
the birds are chirpping merrily and the grasshoppers are frollicking in the morning dew
my mousy has just woken up
i am letting it run all over the keyboard
Oh! It shitted on the letter 'O'
Bad mousy, i throw it back into the cage.

sometimes i dont know why.. i'd prefer to be in army now
there's food, you'd meet friends, get to exercise
no worries.. lots to do
i would have gone in on the 6th. i would have gotten teo chee beng in the same company .. Or even platoon! i would have been treated as a whitehorse, i wouldnt eat waxy army rations but hot piping canadian pizza. i could have gone to Ocs. i would have been fitter. i would have been richer with a better pay.
i am going to be treated as a sick boy. i am going to walk about carrying cardboard boxes and having two times as many water parade. probably OXYGEN parade. i am not going to the field. i still am not going to eat waxy army rations. i am going to meet sick bastards who cant walk properly, or breathe properly. ARGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


Monday, January 03, 2005


For anyone who's still wondering just who the hell I am, I am QH. Bow down before me or I shall smite the holy shit outta u.

Yes, this is my virgin post at this blog. Happy sha la la. o_O

And can someone blog about yesterday class outing already? I want to know what I didnt miss out so I feel glad for not going... on second thoughs, did u guys actually went on with the outing? Guess no one notice my abscence. Ahhh... being forgettable does not seem like such a good thing now.

I seriously do not think I have enough time(Read: Lazy) or brain cells(Read: Stupid) to be able to contribute to 3 blogs of mine so do not bitch about my sporadic posting or I shall smite the holy...blah blah.

For those who are unable to enlist and kill people due to uncontrollable circumstances, I offer my condolences. For those who are able, lets have a RAWRRRRING good time or I shall smite....blah blah.

just recently got access to the cosplay pics...and since they all suck i'm just going to leech off otherpeoples hard work.btw i dun noe who this guy is but he is good. the picture is deceptive hes actually 2.2 m tall (2.5 if u count the tip of the wings) sugoi ne~ Posted by Hello

Sunday, January 02, 2005

spent the new year drunk and semi unconscious.

not a very good start...but damm it felt good to do something...different for a change.

like my primary school english teacher used to say..u should try everything once. she cited smoking.

I think they fired her soon after that.

another primary school teacher(quite chio ne) gave us answers to the end of year examinations 2 months early. they fired her too.

never really had much luck with teachers...oops digressing.

the happiness evaporated soon after and the melancholy sent in. god for like what 6 7 bucks a pop they sure as hell didn't last long. not very good for money eh.

dunno lar i have been feeling like this for 2-3 weeks. Its not because of NS i think. I have been thru npcc for 4 years...didn't like it one bit was 4 years of chinese speaking hell every weekends. But if theres one thing i learned i can take amazing amounts of boredom. And the pt won't be a problem for me i'm at least sure of that.

In fact its the present that preoccupies least for now. If they start throwing blanket parties and having gay orgies in the bed besides me..then mebbe i'll start worrying about NS and wat it brings.

For now...i just feel like building my own fireplace and curling up beside it. Hopefully with alyssa milano and a hot tub thrown in afterwards. But since i'm not rolling arnd in dough..i think i'll make do with what i have. hot milo and a nice stack of anime. heaven on earth ~

being at the esplanade on new years eve made me realise how much people there really are in singapore... and for a moment i thought how great it would be if we all linked hands and sang together just once as a one big happy family...then some raver sprayed me. thanks a lot buddy. LUVu~ and PEACEisu~ can go to hell.

stil haven't pinpointed wats been bothering me. mebbe it will come to haunt me in a clearer form some day. i just noe that a lot has happened this year. stuff i feel has show me how immature i am..yet made me more mature at the same time. so for now i think i'll spare the "FUCK THIS SHIT" and "FUCK U WORLD" and say "FUCK U TELETUBBIES!!"

tatts all folks tahnk you very much.

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