Yours Truly: February 2005

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Floundering Blog

Yes, you pple are right with the intial diagnosis, this blog is DYING!!!! However, do not panic yet dear citizens! I come armed with courage, valiance and vocabulary! Am also quite sad and free but never mind about that!! Will now prcoeed to inform/bore you with my v exciting life and adventures at driving school. Which i must actually say is quite a happening school, seeing as it is located in the hip and cool location of Ubi. Many vj pple have actually been sighted which is nice but also seems to bring back certain not-so-pleasant memories (some esp associated with the satanic and accursed PE dept..) Yes anyways this is a short list of what i have accomplished so far after several driving lessons:
  1. Managed to stall the car several times during EVERY lesson, without fail. Even stalled once in the middle of the road, which is of course a very safe and healthy thing to do in front of rapidly on coming traffic
  2. Scared the bejesus out of one instructor, who quite rudely raised his voice and told me that i "must learn to USE THE BRAKES PROPERLY!!! and how i must be 'MORE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LIVES of my passengers.." haha so he sems to be only realising now that his job is actually quite perilous.
  3. Failed to stop and a 'stop' sign. Was kindly informed that if i did that in a test it would result in IMMEDIATE failure...
  4. Knocked over a bunch of cones, three or four i think. Not my fault okay, stupid things were taking up too much space by the side of the road!
Anyways, i am obviously going to be a very skilled and capable driver. pls do not hold your breath for free rides anytime soon!!

Loves to all and hope that u all doing well!! even the poor boys who are dying in NS!! pls comfort yourseleves by thinking how noble and important u are and how u are risking your lives valiantly to save others!! :))

Sunday, February 13, 2005


I finally succumb to the fever when I booked in on saturday night. I spent the night sleeping on the floor wrapped up in my tactical green blanket. Why? Cos I wanted to sweat the heat out and I didnt wanna wake up and having my section mates think that I just wet the bed. Sweaty beds are not nice to sleep in. It said 39.3. I said wtf?

I woke up on sunday morning and all my sperms are dying. I was walking around like a drunkard. It said 39.5. I said wtfh?

So I gave the live range shooting a miss and went to see the medical officer(MO) who made me wait because why? He was still alsleep and the medic didnt dare?want to wake him up. My hands and feet was like freezing. I was pretty sure that with minimal effort, I could pluck my damn fingers off. The nice medic handed me a tactical green blanket when I requested to wait outside the medical centre where the sun was up.

I finally got to see the medic and the whole session lasted all but 3 mins.

And then I waited forever to get my medicine from the dispensary. I chuck the blanket on the seat and sat outside.

I was given 2 days mc...WHEEE and the MO said if I'm still sick he'll do a blood test on me. But looking at the way things are going, I might not need the blood test anymore. Apparently I feel well enough to come online. It said 37.8. I said cool.

For a moment, I wondered how it would be like if I just died on that saturday night...

Note to anyone who is free: we must really stop trying to have showers in the middle of the night. THis is becuase it has come to our attention that small insect shaped creatures like to fly in as they are apparently attracted to bright lights. We also now realise that we are not well equipped to deal with such nasty little buggers in the condition we take showers in.. ie not wearing any clothes. This may also result in scenarios such as this, where we are sitting in front of the laptop in a towel and with soap in our hair. oh and i moust also add that the exessive use of insecticides had resulted in what in biological terms would be defined as 'genetically modified bugs' such as the one that is now inhabiting our bathroom thta we are too scared to go back into. it is either a GM bug or a grasshopper which i do not think should hvae been given wings becuase they are quite scary and freaky looking insects.
also, in other news, while i was typing this a dying cockroach has just shimmied out on its back from underneath the bed!! OH MY GOD!!! why couldnt it have the decency to just die under there!!!!!
it is officially now a consipracy against avid-insect-haters.. i dont think i can go on anymore!! lemme just say again.. YUCK YUCK YUCK!!

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Some people like to get their thrills by participating in dangerous contact sports or dare-devil-type stunts.. So i guess it is expected if they end up injuring themselves. Do i need to bother which such strenuous activity? noooo of course not.. all i need to do is to walk around a little bit and i could prob manage to kill myself with all the exertion!! i was v sleepy on sun morning, and ended up tripping and falling down the stairs! so now i am busy limping around on my ankle which i have sprained for the 10 billionith time!! congratulations sonia! it is damn lucky i am a girl, or i swear just one day on tekkong would have finished me off completely!!
oh and also, to literally add insult to injury.. i was recently told that i remind someone of condoleza rice (!!!!) i swear i seriously was so ready to just fall to the ground and DIE right there and then!! she is a COW.. and arguably one of the most UNATTRACTIVE and warped specimens of womanhood.. then coz my expression was one of shock, horror and general freaked-outedness, the fella tries to cover up by saying.. "oh no i mean u have her poise, shes very POISED"... poised MY ASS okay.. the woman is disgusting!! i am so deeply and horribly offended!! i am going to need many many years of expensive therapy just to get over this incident!! however what was the most interesting was the response i got from one of my frens who had no idea who condie was.. she was all like ' i dont think you look like a rice grain' and i had to very calmly and gently inform her that condie rice is a real life big-shot recently sworn in-secretary of state type person, and not actually a carbohydrate.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Happy new year

Ahh...I'm back from field camp like shawn there but I wrote up a longer one course I'm bored. I am too lazy to post a double post here and if ur too lazy to access it from my profile, heres a hyper link for u.

U cant see it, thats ur problem. Haha. HAppy new year,

Friday, February 04, 2005

just back from field camp.

two words : farking xiong

buti'll come back to it later...

for now i'm seriously considering down grading to get out of infantry units solely because of route marches. Each time i go for route marches i carry around 1/4 of my weight for 6/8 km up and down slopes which is seriously bad for my back and quads. If i stay in Infantry i'll DIE! Already my platoon has 2 people who went out of training because they sprained their backs. I'm next to go i think...

aniwae brief summary for field camp..u stay in your helmet rifle and SBO most of the time u spent listening to lectures and practicing' shelters and dig trenches and every day u eat combat rations and u can't bathe until the 5th day. And then only once. Its really tiring stuff and i'm glad its over and done with. The rest of my 9 week bmt will be spent preparing for my passing out parade by then i think...there is only a bit more of live range and SOC to cover.

booking in on sunday and booking out 2 days later for my CNY break so cheers! Andcan someone explain why its so important for the chinese to celebrate CNY? Hey i dun really give a fuck about it. So the rest of the chinese ppl can spent CNY having wet sloppy kisses planted on their cheeks while i use my break to eat good food and sleep like a pig. And davi u noe what u nearly made me puke my first fresh food in days oh man that was disgusting.

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