Yours Truly: March 2005

Monday, March 21, 2005

ITS ALIVE!!! muahah

Kudos to QH for his amazing adventures with malfunctioning footwear!! I feel for you my friend, and deeply admire your determination to complete that epic trek across such treacherous landscape. Good Job!! ahahah
In other related matters, last friday was one that will forever live in infamy. Why you may ask? Well let me recount a little converstaion i had with my driving instructor.

Instructor: Wow, you look really fit! You must take part in MANY sporting activites. What kinds do you do?

ahahah well i was just slightly flabbergasted with that comment as all the initiated will know that i just dont DO sports. They are like completely contradictory to my belief system, not to mention utterly disallowed by my religion. Granted it was quite late at night so maybe he didnt see me properly.

Me: uuuuuh well uhhh i uh like to swim.. (transltion: as in float around in the pool sometimes)

Instructor: I knew it! i could defintely tell that you are an athelte, it is no surprise to me that you are a swimmer

ahaha well all i really want to say now is : DIE YOU STUIPD PE TEACHERS!!!! ahahahah one may note that i still have not recovered from the devestating physical and mental degradation that that was so cruelly imposed on my person. HAH!!

Saturday, March 19, 2005

The day it went away...

Today is a shopping day.

Wanted to buy the usuals. Vitamin Cs, strepsils, vapour inhalent, breakfast bars blah blah yada yada. I was happily flip-floping my ways through the cold storage aisles and that was where it all begin.

Finally located the breakfast bars location, I squat down to compare the various brands, Alpen, nature valley, Uncle toby and all. Then KABABOOM!!! The moment I squat down, the slipper thingy thats squashed between my big toe and the 2nd one came right off. Now I'm essentially wearing a slipper on one foot and a skateboard on the other.

Found that I could still drag the slipper along the polished floor albeit at a slower pace. Wasnt too concern so I finished the rest of my shopping leisurely. On a side note, comparing nutironal values, uncle toby plus bars seems to the most value for money.

The slippers were dragging fine until I walked out of the building and into the sun. It was all cement, sand, grass and tarred roads from here.No way am I gonna make it through the 400m of urban jungle with a slipper drunk on gasoline.

I stood there for a moment comtemplating my choices. I can either sit down and cry like a baby would do or go back in and buy another 3 pairs of shoes and maybe some clothes like a woman would do. Or I can be myself and just walk barefoot home.

So I crossed two roads, an unused expanse of grassland, walked two hdb blocks and now I'm home.

Moral of the story? Shit happens so suck it up and pretend that no one is laughing at you.

Liquor at the front, Poker at the rear

there's a woman talking to her girlfriend and she says, "I named my three lovers after soda pop. My first lover's called 7-Up because he has seven inches and he can always get it up. My second one's called Mountain Dew because when he gets to mountin', he always knows what to do. And I call my third lover Jack Daniel's" So the girlfriend say,"Jack Daniel's aint soda pop - that's a hard liquor". And the woman just smiles and says,"Uh-huh".

Monday, March 14, 2005


Yes. Me being the all-powerful admin, has recruited another member into the team in a bid to save this dead dying blog. And it is none other than the infamous Miss Chen. *gags*

While not expecting any intellectual input from her, it is always comforting to have somebody to laugh at. Like weh.

And Shawn, ur blog has been under construction for eons.

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