Yours Truly

Friday, September 14, 2007

Yo Yo

This is a barren wasteland

Saturday, January 07, 2006


HEyy...marie... U got the rest of the episodes for lost 2???? =) Can I go over again someday? haha

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Return to the Tropics!!

Hellooooo!! After many many moons I have returned to this blog! And to commemorate this auspicious day, here is a short and concise list of the great leaps in knowledge I have made over the last three months:

1) Soy Sauce tastes good with everything
2) When doing one's laundry, always be sure to put washing powder in the machine
3) In England, vegetables are grown in plastic bags in the freezer
4) "Pants" refers to underwear. It is therefore unadvisable to tell everyone that you are planning to wear pants as they will look at you suspiciously and wonder why you don't normally wear underwear.
5) You do not 'pass up homework'. You have to 'hand it in'. Otherwise you will be treated to afore mentioned suspicious looks as well as the occasional blank stare.
6) Cereal is god's gift to poor and lazy students that can't cook to save their lives.
7) Oh after extensive study and research I have become supremely fluent with Punjabi swear words! If u read this Davi let me know and I will practice them with you!

Loves to all hope everyone is well!!

Monday, June 27, 2005

On a lighter note....

The British are a fantastic group of people, from a country of great cultural heritage and highly dignified as our former colonial masters. They also have a simpy spiffing way of communicating. For your reading pleasure I have accumulated two such highly esteemed expressions (from personal encounters..)

1) Said by a father to his naughty child. "You have been such a bad boy! Such silly, silly behaviour! You are as silly as a box of christmas lights!'

2) Said to someone who is lacking in moral profundity " You are an unthinking, selfish person! You are as shallow as an omelette pan!"

My take on what is wrong with today's world

Ever feel depressed reading the newspaper? Wonder why there is so much hate, violence, intolerence, discrimination, and general bad-temperedness in the world? I too tread a path in search of deeper insight into the human psyche, the causes and why-fors of our existance, and have ever been attempting to self-steer in the general directon towards true enlightnment. Well, today I have stumbled on such an epiphany, it occured of course in the most logical of all places, a Mango store during a super-duper everything-must-go SALE.
So, I innocently walk by one of their stores today, see those four beautiful letters in bright orange, S-A-L-E. And think naively to myself "oh let's just have a pop in'. So disillusioned was I, fraudently abused by the materialisitc inklings that have infiltrated into the very pores of our society.
Well I don't think WW2 would have prepared me for the chaos that reigned supreme. Pretty young women, dressed in the height of fashion (read wedges and flowery skirts hat eeeeverbody is wearing nowadays, pls pple have originality!) were behaving like vicious, rabid animals that had been deliberately starved and now set loose on each other. It was a ruthless pursuit of self-satisfaction, the rush to get the best deal, regardless of how much carnage(read feet stepped on and pple violently elbowed out of the way) and destruction they left lying in the wake of their size 6 heels. Mistakenly pick up an article of clothing already identified by someone else? Prepare for the bloodthirsty glares and dramatic wrenching of afore-mentioned clothing from your limp unresisitng grasp, followed by "Eh! i saw first already!"
So yes, it has come to this. We are the reverting to the behaviour of beasts that we claim to have surpassed with the sheer coincidence of evolution. What ever happened to minding one's Ps and Qs, genteel, considerate and classy behaviour? Gone,ever graciously out the window, when confronted with a situation where only the best wo-man reigns supreme, having purchased the most fantastible summer wardrobe, never mind at the expense of bruises and bruised dignity of fellow shoppers.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

An Unsung Hero

whilst many people complain about what the Army has done to young men, look what it did to a young man here.

In a revolutionary attempt, Shawn is asking for change
Certainly a far cry from the quiet slacker we used to know him to be

Shawn has learnt to be empowered
He realises that while things usually work out simply and smoothly for him, there are times where he cant just watch the world go by

Shawn is not reticent, he has something to say
He wants to make known his feelings, push his peers foward
Taking a herculean leap from the status quo

He makes a stand,
Puts his best foot forward

Make a Change, he must

with our greatest congratualations,
we award Shawn, the commemorative Purple Heart

Hoo ha!

Thursday, May 26, 2005

hey yo guys this team blog thing ain't going to work out i have a few solutions.

1) let it stay as it is(not much of a solution but its still an option)
2) return it to maria...since its her damm fault she roped us in the first place =p
3) make it a repository of links to blogs of class members.

Any other suggestions? comments?

Sunday, April 03, 2005

I was late for work the other day, I now have to catch the bus at the ungodly time of (gasp) 7am!!! This is highly ironic and cruel as some of you will know that my usual hour of awakening during school days was approximately between 715-720. It was then usually followed by a mad dash across the longkang to get to school on time, which usually rendered me too tired to do anything is school but shlump around the whole day and complain about everything. Sigh, the good old days. Well anyways, since i was late, i encountered many VJ kids walking to school compared to the usuall melee of St pat's boys. And then i realised something qutie shocking..(do not read ahead if you have a heart conditoin/high blood pressure/are pregnant(!!)/ or have any other related diseases)

I (gasp)(gasp)(gasp) just kinda slightly MISS JC!!!! I miss having a group of kids my age to hang out with, to talk rubbish with, to complain about how teachers are maniacs and how there are too many smart pple around. i miss ponning lectures, gossiping, trying to write something at the last minute on my foolscape to pretend that i had actually done my bio tutorial. copying homework during break, sitting in the exact SAME spot in the canteen every single day, telling mrs lim how atttractive she looked in her newest brighly couloured blouseetc etc etc...... pls note that i DO NOT miss PE in the least bit, or the spawn-of-devil PE teachers that make a living out of harassing poor demure, mentally-fragile teenagers.

sigh but now i will leave you will a little anecdote courtesty of Qiu Yu, who works in the same hospital as me, right next door in fact.

Me : some of the nurses not very computer literate! they are impressed with my typing speed which is not surprisnig since they type with two fingers at like 10w/min
QY : yes!!! one time the computer hung, and this elderly nurse practically had an anuerysm(okay she didnt say anuerysm but i am employing creative license and embellishing) She was like "why must we use computer!! why cannot use your hand and write down!! what are your hands for!!! what is wrong with today's world!!

i would have told her that, acutally your hands are what you use to type the keyboard with. ahah but apparently she had startd thorwing the keyboard aroun in rage and menopausal bad humour so eeeh maybe never mind.
oh and dont worry brian!! everybody's life is excessively meaningless/dull/useless/mundane. .. this is the real world apparently... i find that excessive consumption of sugar is the way to go, in induces a slight feeling of euphoria due to elevated glucose count. either that or biting your fingernails. that is currently workig for me..:)

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